Gone but not forgotten...
Today I deleted 15 numbers from my phone of persons who have transitioned on to no longer be living. This is something I have been...

The Plane, The Plane
Nope, this is not an episode of Fantasy Island. In fact it’s quite the opposite. There I was completely full of milk and with limited...

The Elephant Rope
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small...

Be the Light: Barack to Trump
Seven days ago President Barack Obama gave his farewell address and in three days President-Elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated. As I...

How Did She Come From Me?
My two-year old daughter has been a force to be reckoned with since she was born. She is feisty, opinionated, and has the inner strength...

Stay Focused on Your Marriage
As I look into my sons eyes, I cannot help but hear the advice of my friends and family members telling me that the second child can...

We are not born patient
One of the biggest spiritual revelations came to me a few days ago as my three-month old son cried out in hunger waking up from a nap. He...
Expectant Parent Congratulatory Warnings
When people congratulated me on being a first time parent, it was amazing how right after they shared my extreme glee they would also...

Hubby on My Last Nerve
My husband and I just made 3 years of matrimony and 6 total with courting time. By all accounts it feels like the time whizzed by. To me...